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Topics:  Cybersounds and Cybermusic - Basic Composition Types - New Rhythm and Tonality - Sound Derivation
What are "Cybersounds"?

How can they be combined to create a musical flow throughout a piece of music?

There are different answers - one of them is to let cybersounds interact in a dramatic way, and to arrange them closed to what we learned from the classical drama, and its musical outcome - the sonata form. 

Duration: 8'18"

Play:  HiFi  LoFi
Sounds can be developed in different ways.

"Variazioni" (as well as all the other pieces of the Electric Symphony) exposes sound variations based just on two single recordings of a chiming clock.

In this piece, the well-known tone sequence of the clock's chimes contributes to the variations as well.

Duration: 6'44"

Play:  HiFi  LoFi

Another way to compose sounds (not dramatically, and not sequentially as shown before), is the most used one, a method that is applied to all kind of songs. Here, sounds are bundled in layers that are kept over the whole piece. In such a layer assembly, usually each layer owns a specific function in relation to the other layers, valid for the complete composition (melody, accompaniment, fill-ins, etc.).

"Dance" is completely built from noise.

Duration: 3'19"

Play:  HiFi  LoFi


In opposition to the former piece, "Relaxation Oscillation" is built completely from pure tones.

"Dance" and "Relaxation Oscillation" allow the discussion of new models of rhythmical and tonal relations that are applied in cybermusic - the models of continuous metrical and tonal modulations.

Duration: 6'26"

Play:  HiFi  LoFi

   Relaxation Oscillation

The last of the major composition models that can be used for bringing cybersounds into motion, is the most floating one: the 'Fractal', or its historical predecessor, the fugue.

The presented "Fuga" still relies on a linear metric scheme but it proves a completely non-linear and organic approach of the formal structure, developing discourses of various sound chains while starting each time from a different point of origin. This process compares, for example, to the natural grown branches of a plant. 

Duration: 5'46"

Play:  HiFi  LoFi


Turning back to the new rhythmical model known from "Dance":

How does this sound in a dramatic form? Will this be less powerful than in a sonata form that still benefits from the historically proven energy of linear metrics like in the "Sonata" piece?

"General Electrics" may give one possible answer.

Duration: 5'37"

Play:  HiFi  LoFi

   General Electrics
Variation forms can be segmented on the level of a whole song form but also be built of smaller loops. In this case, we can find historical prototypes such as a Passacaglia or Chaconne form.

"Chaconne" is a kaleidoscope of cybersounds presenting with each new loop different musical structures and its variations.

Duration: 10'00"

Play:  HiFi  LoFi
Parameters of musical structures cannot be treated in a linear way. They are filtered by our musical experiences.

Parameter settings that constitute an instrumental or human voice are reproducing known experiences, almost on a quotation level.

While moving toward new cybermusic experiences, do we loose here our originality, our voice, or do we rather develop a basis for being able to extend it?

Duration: 6'30"

Play:  HiFi  LoFi
   The Lost Voice
A new orchestra of sounds, interacting freely in the musical cyberspace - could this be the model of a promising "come together" of old and new musical experiences?

Duration: 4'23"

Play:  HiFi  LoFi

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