
  [  ]

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Create Sound Pages

Create Sound Page :: Deselects all sounds and initiates a new sound page project.
Add Placeholder :: Adds an empty space instead of an animated sound.
Repeat Sound :: The last selected sound will be added again.
New Line :: Following selection of sounds will appear in a new line.
New Table :: Following selection of sounds will appear after a new table delimiter (one empty line).
Add Group :: Following selection of sounds will appear as a new group followed by a group player control.
Add Page :: Starts a new sound page and adds page navigation tools accordingly.

Clip2Sound :: The sound ID stored in the clipboard will be added to the project. This is useful when searching FleX qualified sounds in Freesound.
Clip2Seq :: Advanced: A text sequence will be copied from the clipboard and added to the publishing sequence (see also Seq2Clip).
Seq2Clip :: Advanced: The current entered sequence will be exported into your email editor for further textual editing (see also Clip2Seq).
Multiple Windows :: Advanced: When selected (X = default), multiple open browser pages can be controlled at once without creating interferences.
Set URL Path :: Advanced: When deselected, publishing will be set to relative pathes (one level below main folder). Selected = Online mode.
Alt + left mouse click: Show current path.
Ctrl + left mouse click: Set new path (for example, to publish pages for a DVD Sound Park).

Publish :: Launches the Publisher to create the new sound page project and loads it into the browser.
Right Mouse: Includes control button for left menu (valid for almost all controls).

Customize Layout   (prior to sound page creation)

Object Size :: Select size of sound elements: b = big size, m = medium size, s = small size, i = invisible (group controls only),
  l = large size (included image requires to be high resolution 358 x 169, only partly supported).
Background Color :: Select color for background (button color). Font color corresponds to checkmark color.
Object Color :: Select color for sound element.
Font Style :: Select font style: V = Verdana,  T = TimesNewRoman,  R = Rage Italic,  C = Courier New,  for text display.
Page Width :: Maximum for page width: % = Flexible, 1 = 1024 pixels, 8 = 800 pixels, 5 = 500 pixels.
Component Selection :: Page components: H = display/hide Header, T = display/hide/enter Title (different from file name), L = display/hide Line, G = enter/don't enter greeting.
Component Placements :: Placements: Group controls down/right/left, Page numbers down/up/both, Menu up/left, Greeting up/down.
Background :: Select Background tiles or images. When selecting "local" you will be able to include your own images (then, even per page).
Control Left Menu Prefs :: R = Deselects all left menu prefs. S = Saves current highlighted prefs. L = Loads and highlights last saved prefs.
    P = Loads and highlights preset prefs. E = Enters empty line to group prefs. [ ] = Menu must be left.

Record and Play   (before and after sound trip creation)

Play :: Plays a recorded sound trip sequence that was pre-defined (Restore), re-load (Load), or newly recorded (Record).
Stop :: Stops playing or recording a sequence and all sound groups. Pressing Play again will continue the sequence.
Reset :: Restores the initial page configuration and resets all sound groups for play or recording from the beginning.
Record :: Records as sound elements and groups on pages are being played. Press 'Stop' button to stop recording.
Then, in order to play the sound trip recorded, it has to be reset ('Reset' button) first.
When immediately pressing the stop button the empty sequence will cause the pre-defined sound trip to be reloaded.
When publishing, the last recorded or loaded sequence will be stored as pre-defined sequence for the new sound trip.
When pressing play while recording, a new sequence will be recorded on top of the existing sequence (overdub).
Recorder can be used only as a single occurence but record and play from multiple pages.

Send :: Copies the current sound trip sequence with instructions into your email editor to be sent to your friends.
Receive :: Copies the sound trip sequence from your email editor via clipboard to the corresponding sound page and plays it immediately.

Save :: Saves the current sound trip sequence as part of the current sound page.
File # :: Provides an index from 0-9 to enable saving and loading 10 different sound trip sequences per current page.
Load :: Reloads the sound trip sequence that has been last saved with the current page and restores page configuration.
Restore :: Restores the sound trip sequence that has been pre-defined for the current page and restores page configuration.

Transfer :: Advanced: The current loaded sound trip will be copied into your email editor for further use.
Larger sequences can directly be pulled from the text file "transfer.txt" that can be accessed through a folder reading like
C:\Documents and Settings\"your ID"\Application Data\Macromedia\Shockwave Player\Prefs\Q93Z43LF\transfer.txt
Note: This transferred version is used to create individual local sequences for GroupPlay control (relative time values).
For original editing and feeding into the above Restore function, the "mouse.txt" text file must be used (absolute time values).
Extract :: Advanced: A part of a recorded sequence as determined by the 'Extract ID' followed by the sequence of the remaining elements will be extracted and copied into your email editor for further use.
Larger sequences can directly be pulled from the text file "transfer.txt" (last sequence of Overdub or FleX-object type stream, see Extract ID) and "transferlast.txt" (remainder) that can be accessed through a folder reading like
C:\Documents and Settings\"your ID"\Application Data\Macromedia\Shockwave Player\Prefs\Q93Z43LF\transfer.txt
Note: This transferred version is used to create individual local sequences for GroupPlay control (relative time values).
Extract ID :: Advanced: Extraction mode to be used by the above 'Extract' method.
O = The last recorded sequence will be extracted from an Overdub recording.
F = All elements with placeholders that start with letter 'F' will be extracted.
L = All elements with placeholders that start with letter 'L' will be extracted.
E = All elements with placeholders that start with letter 'E' will be extracted.
X = All elements with placeholders that start with letter 'X' will be extracted.
P = All elements with placeholders that start with letter 'P' will be extracted (suitable for temporary editing).
R = Local (forced) recording. Local sequence will be sent to your email editor and to transfer.txt. Group elements with placeholders will be sent to your email editor and to transferlast.text. Both strings are applicable to Group Play controls. Press above (blinking) 'Extract' button second time to stop local recording.
Display :: Advanced: Display of text that is included in a Group control or Page Record button parameter (sw9, max. 175 characters).
Font can be customized (sw2). Default is 'Verdana'.
Font size can be customized (sw3). Default is '9'.
Font style cannot be customized (sw4). Default is 'plain'.
Font color can be customized (special color code, sw5). Default is white.
Background color can be customized (#F5F5F5, #000000, #8D0000, #181818, #FFFF99, #FF9900, bgColor). Default is '#FFFF99'.
For samples click Samples.
Display Large :: Advanced: Display of text that is included in a Group control or Page Record button parameter (sw9, max. 140 characters).
Font can be customized (sw2). Default is 'Verdana'.
Font size can be customized (sw3). Default is '12'.
Font style cannot be customized (sw4). Default is 'plain'.
Font color can be customized (special color code, sw5). Default is white.
Background color can be customized (#F5F5F5, #000000, #8D0000, #181818, #FFFF99, #FF9900, bgColor). Default is '#FFFF99'.
For samples click Samples.
Display Bold :: Advanced: Display of text that is included in a Group control or Page Record button parameter (sw9, max. 160 characters).
Font can be customized (sw2). Default is 'Verdana'.
Font size can be customized (sw3). Default is '10'.
Font style cannot be customized (sw4). Default is 'bold'.
Font color can be customized (special color code, sw5). Default is (#001044).
Background color can be customized (#F5F5F5, #000000, #8D0000, #181818, #FFFF99, #FF9900, bgColor). Default is '#FFFF99'.
For samples click Samples.
Wrapper :: Advanced: Launch a destination sound page (sw2) with different pre-settings, such as path initiators (sw1), initial text in the text display box (sw9), or background color (bgcolor). HTML wrapping file is immediately being replaced by destination file.
Page Launcher :: Advanced: A sequence of pages can be launched into certain frames (sw3) without Page Recorder dependency. For example, value="FiguresHeader.htm:topframe1;../Figures22.htm:subframe1;XpressionsHeader.htm:topframe2;../Xpressions01.htm:subframe2;"

Customize Sound Page   (after sound page creation)

Master Volume :: Changes the master volume. Holding the button causes the animated sounds to enter a frozen (loop) mode.
Sound Color :: Changes the sound color (becomes active after a new start of the sound). The color mapping is discontinuous.
Active Synch String :: Maintenance: Displays synch strings. Used for debugging Hypersound connections.
Author Name :: Displays the name of the last played author of an Animated Sound.
FleX Type Display :: Displays or hides FleX type of animated sounds (F = Figures, L = Layers, E = Events, X = Xpressions).
Sound ID Display :: Displays or hides identifier of all animated sounds.
Channel Display :: Displays or hides used channel number in all animated sounds.
Stop all Sounds :: Used to interrupt all sound channels in case of hanging sounds while animated sounds continue to play.
Mute all Sounds :: Used to disable and enable the sound replay while animated sounds continue to play.
Matrix Reset :: Used to initialize or reset a sound page or sound matrix.